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Coaching One-On-One:
Executive and Employee Development


Description of Service

PerspectiveView will design a series of sessions to address specific areas of development for individual employees, managers and executives. These consultations will support employees in the development areas they need to explore and expand. The purpose of each coaching session is to support the employee in doing introspection and growth. These sessions allow employees to come up with a plan on how they intend to change. We provide skills they can apply immediately to their work. Additionally, PerspectiveView will design follow-up sessions to help monitor participants' behavioral changes and support them in implementing their action plan.


  • Fine-tuning business interpersonal skills, communication skills, organizational skills, and project management skills

  • Creating a desire to work more effectively and efficiently

  • Helping you become aligned with your life's dream (exercise regularly, lose weight, etc.)

  • Helping you sharpen skills to gain a competitive edge



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Special Services
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Special Services:
Coaching One-On-One
Designing Workshops
Facilitating Meetings
Mediating Between Parties
Supporting Implementation


Web site revised on September 23, 2013
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